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5 Food Tips for Camping and Hiking 

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5 Food Tips for Camping and Hiking 

Contributors: Jackie Newgent, RDN, CDN 

Do you have hiking or camping on your agenda? Mapping out your wilderness nutrition needs is important: There’s plenty to consider besides simply grabbing an energy bar or a bottle of water. Follow these tips to ensure you have a nourishing and safe food experience on your next outdoor adventure. 

1. Have a Plan 

Your food and water needs are generally higher than usual on activity-based excursions. Pay extra special attention to packing plenty of fluids for hot weather adventures. Some other key considerations before your hiking or camping trip include: 

  • Length of the trip 
  • What foods and beverages you’ll carry 
  • How you’ll eat and drink 
  • If bringing a cooler is an option 
  • What food-related tools you’ll need 

2. It’s Essential to Stay Hydrated 

Pre-hydrate by drinking at least 4 cups of water before a hike so you have less to carry. Then, a good rule of thumb is to plan for about 2 cups of fluid for every hour of hiking. Make sure you can bring or access clean drinking water during your hike. 

3. For a Hike or Day Trip… 

You can pack perishable foods, such as sandwiches, just be sure you have a cold source (such as an ice pack) to keep foods properly chilled to below 40°F. The more you stash in a backpack, the harder it is to hike, so opt mainly for non-perishable foods that are relatively lightweight and nutrient dense, such as: 

  • Trail mix 
  • Nuts, seeds, nut-based bars or nut butter packs 
  • Fresh, whole fruit that doesn’t require refrigeration such as apples, bananas and oranges 
  • Dried or freeze-dried fruits and veggies 
  • Energy bars, chews or gels 
  • Granola or granola bars 
  • Ready-made tuna salad pouches 
  • Whole-grain tortillas 
  • Shelf-stable, dried jerky, such as poultry, salmon or meat jerky 

4. For Camping or Multi-Day Trips… 

It’s a little more challenging to pack food for days at a time. The first day you’ll be able to eat perishable foods if you have a cooler; but after that, map out your meals so you’ll have what you enjoy and need. Otherwise, include any of these shelf-stable, easily-packed basics to sustain you: 

  • Easy-to-carry foods mentioned above 
  • Ready-to-eat cereal 
  • Fruit or vegetable puree in squeezable pouches (such as applesauce) 
  • Poultry or fish pouches, or canned fish, poultry or meat in individual or regular servings 
  • Individual packets of mayo, mustard, taco sauce and/or soy sauce 
  • Whole-grain pasta, couscous, rice mix, pancake mix, hot cereal, dried soups and dehydrated foods (if you have the ability to boil drinkable water) 
  • Marshmallows — for a campfire dessert, of course 
  • Bottled water, and possibly powdered beverage mixes 

5. Don’t Forget Proper Food Safety Practices 

Always follow good food safety practices — from packing to plating. Remember that perishable food cannot be kept out in hot weather (90°F or higher) for more than one hour; in mild weather for more than two hours. Otherwise, these foods become unsafe to eat and should be thrown out. Bring these food safety essentials: 

  • Disposable wipes, hand sanitizer or biodegradable soap 
  • Bowls and plates 
  • Kettle or cooking pot 
  • Eating and cooking utensils 
  • Can opener 
  • Ice packs, if applicable 
  • Trash bags 
  • Portable water filters or water purification tablets 
  • Thermometers for cooler and cooked meat, if applicable 

And follow these food safety rules: 

  • Wash hands often. This includes before and after eating. If you’re unable to wash your hands, a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol may help reduce bacteria and germs. 
  • Keep raw meats and ready-to-eat foods separate. Use extra plates that you’ve packed — one for raw and one for prepared foods. 
  • Cook to proper temperatures. Use a food thermometer to be sure cooked food has reached a safe internal temperature. 
  • When possible, refrigerate promptly below 40°F. Of course, if you don’t have a fridge, pack perishable food, including meat or poultry, with plenty of ice or ice packs in a well-insulated cooler to keep the temperature below 40°F. Store leftovers in small, clean covered containers in the cooler only if it still has ice. And keep the cooler in as cool a place as possible. 

Now, go take a hike! 

Jackie Newgent, RDN, CDN, is a Brooklyn-based culinary nutritionist, writer and media personality. 

5 Food Tips for Hiking and Camping,, published 6/15/22, accessed 6/27/2022