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20 Money-Saving Grocery Shopping Tips 

A trip to the grocery store may cost you a bit more these days. With rising prices and falling budgets, it’s more challenging than ever to bring home the fixings for balanced meals. But, saving money at the supermarket doesn’t mean giving up nutritious foods. Here are some tips to save you money while nourishing your family.

5 Food Tips for Camping and Hiking

Do you have hiking or camping on your agenda? Mapping out your wilderness nutrition needs is important: There’s plenty to consider besides simply grabbing an energy bar or a bottle of water. Check out these tips to ensure you have a nourishing and safe food experience on your next outdoor adventure.  

Bone Health and the Gut Microbiome 

The gut microbiota is a hot topic because of its possible associations with multiple areas of health—including bone health. Accumulating research suggests the gut microbiota is closely related to the regulation of bone metabolism, read on to find out more.

Breakfast Ideas for Busy Mornings

Food is fuel, eating breakfast will energize you and give you the boost you need to start your day. Mornings can be chaotic and busy. This article will give you some ideas to help you get through your busy morning while having a nutritious breakfast to fuel your day.

Buy Local Food 

Everyone enjoys fresh produce, but do you know where that produce comes from? Food not only nourishes our bodies but also a huge industry. This article takes a deeper look at our local food markets and our effects on these markets as consumers. What should we consider when we decide where to purchase our produce from? Read on for some food for thought.

Caffeine: How Much is Too Much

Caffeine has its perks, but it can pose problems too. Find out how much is too much and if you need to curb your consumption. 

Eating Well Through the Decades

If you’re thinking of starting a new diet in the New Year, let your age your be your guide. Some moves, like swapping processed foods for fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, are good for everyone. But nutrition experts say that certain diet changes are especially important during particular decades of your life. Read on to find out the food moves that can help you make this year your healthiest yet. 

Fighting the Afternoon Slump

Do you start your day with a burst of energy, but then something happens shortly after your lunch break? Feelings of fatigue, brain fog, sleepiness, and cravings for caffeine and sugar all seem to set in—a cluster of symptoms commonly known as the “afternoon slump.” There are ways to combat this. Using a holistic approach that includes nutrition you can fight the afternoon slump. 

GMOs: Sorting Truth from Fiction

When it comes to genetically-engineered (GE) or genetically-modified (GMO) foods, the message brought across by media and agri-business is hazy. Industry tells us GMO foods are completely harmless and even necessary to meet the greater yields demanded by an increasing population. As a consumer, it is important to consider what is missing from this message. This article will help you sort truth from fiction.

Heart Healthy Food for Your Family

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America. Fortunately, many risk factors are things we have control over — such as our food and lifestyle choices. Making nutritious food choices is an excellent way to help keep your family’s heart beating strong.

Staying Hydrated – Staying Healthy!

Learn the importance of staying hydrated year-round. Water is the key to health. Learn why and learn how to improve your hydration levels. 

Using Food as Lifestyle Medicine

The focus on lifestyle choices to prevent and treat chronic diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, CVD, and multiple types of cancer, has gained momentum in the past decade. And rightly so, as the leading causes of death among adults in the United States are related to lifestyle, including tobacco use, poor diet, physical inactivity, and excessive alcohol consumption. Read on to learn how the right foods can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.