Get Your Tail on the Trail

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Take a Walk with your Goodest Buddy!

Home>Events>Take a Walk with your Goodest Buddy!


Jun 10th 2023    
9:00 am - 10:00 am

Get Your Tail on the Trail is offering a free trail walking program this year. Vary up your exercise routine and meet new people, learn new things, and experience different areas of the D&L trail. 

Get your fur baby tail out on the trail with us! Bring your leashed, people and dog friendly, pup out for a 1-mile morning walk beginning and ending at the dog park.  Puppy social hour optional at end of walk.  

Trail Leader: Anna Kristjansen, will meet with participants at Hugh Moore Park, 2750 Hugh Moore Park Rd, Easton, PA 18042, on Saturday, June 10 @ 9 am.  

Duration of Walk: About 1 hour

Meet at the dog park parking lot. 

No rain date.

Although these trail walks are free, we do still ask that you sign up for them so that we can control the number of people walking.  Walking with a group is fun, energizing and social; walking in a horde is not. We are limiting our walk to 30 people. 

Sign Up:

Cancellation policy: We will cancel if the heat index is above 92, if it is expected to rain during the walk or if there were heavy rains leading up to the walk that made the trail difficult to navigate.