Get Your Tail on the Trail

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Join the Fun!

Looking for opportunities to get out and get active? Searching for new places to explore and log miles toward your Tail on the Trail challenge? Check out this calendar of special events organized by Tail on the Trail chapters or Tail on the Trail Approved events organized by various partners often to support charities. You can filter the calendar to find only events in one chapter region or view all events when you want to explore farther.

Gulliver’s Run

Gulliver’s Run

Nov 5th 2023    
10:30 am - 1:00 pm
Gulliver’s Run is an annual 5k Trail Run/Walk for people and dogs on the trails at Gifford Pinchot State Park. Gulliver’s Run is a 591 [...]
05 Nov

HMP History Walk: Industry & Iron: Hugh Moore Park, Easton PA

Nov 5th 2023    
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Get Your Tail on the Trail is offering a free trail walking program this year. Vary up your exercise routine and meet new people, learn [...]