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30/30 Winter Challenge 2016

Home>Challenge>30/30 Winter Challenge 2016

Active Participants: 967 participants
Completed 30 Miles (or more): 783 participants
Total Miles Logged: 61,275 miles
Most Miles Logged by Individual: 509 miles
Challenge Rewards: YOUR HEALTH . . and a black fleece Tail on the Trail scarf!

We asked participants to leap into the leap year with the 30/30 Winter Challenge of 2016.

Tail on the Trail Event:

  • February 2, 2016 along the South Bethlehem Greenway in Bethlehem – The group took a walk along the South Bethlehem Greenway plowed of the remaining winter snow before heading to the Fowler Hispanic Youth Center for continued healthy living activities. Kellyn Foundation held a cooking demonstration making vegetable stew over quinoa with homemade bread and everyone enjoyed the taste test! There was also an exciting zumba class taught by a St. Luke’s exercise instructor for a chance to get our hearts pumping with indoor cardio.